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I am passionate about encouraging people to live with greater purpose, passion & productivity. The Call is to keep Standing Tall in a Falling World. Signature Presentations, Seminar Facilitations & Products available for you to be inspired.

Monday 12 September 2011

Take the Leap from Knowing to Doing

Knowledge without application is meaningless information.

The longest distance in the world is between what we know to do and what we actually do with what we know.  The greatest gap in our life is between knowing and doing.  A wise author with a great sense of humour wrote a book entitled, “If we all did what we know to do, we would all be skinny, rich and happy!”  It’s a truth!  Getting out of denial and facing reality must be a decision,  if we sincerely want to experience fulfilling change in our lives.  It is having the courage to come face to face with where you are right now, and armed with that truth, you can then apply common sense to the situation, and establish a plan to take you onto the next level of desired change.

One of the reasons people stay in the destructive cycle of debt or bad relationships, or they continue eating unhealthily or not having an exercise routine, is that they choose to live in denial, and hope it will all smooth out along the way, instead of facing head-on what needs to be challenged and changed.  It is the pain-pain-pleasure principle!  You discover, for example that you have gained 10 kgs over the past year.  That is painful!  However the truth is, it is going to take another type of pain to get back into shape.  This is the pain of eating less and choosing healthy foods, starting an exercise programme and most importantly, sticking to it.  You will only be able to pay the price of this pain if the pleasure is really worth it.  The pleasure will be felt in having greater confidence in your appearance, wearing clothes two or three sizes smaller, experiencing the elation that comes with the ability of disciplining yourself and being able to harness those cravings.  This pleasure then becomes a way of life.  Making the right choices today means no regrets tomorrow.  Personal growth and development is not an option.  Don’t wait for crisis to force you to bring about change in your life.  You make the decision to design the kind of life you want to live, and with persistence and diligence, you will reap the harvest that comes from sowing the seed of good quality choice.

No idea is ever executed without the plan first being laid.  Yet having a plan and not putting action to it is equally as ineffective.  Focus on what is really important for your life and start with the obvious.  What do you want to achieve with that which is really important to you?  How committed are you to living in the outcome you so desire?  What is your why, your reasons for wanting to achieve these plans?  Your why must be strong enough to push you through the opposition that will come as you pursue your ideals.  Are you willing to pay the price, and are you prepared to do whatever it takes?  There are no shortcuts to achieving the meaningful things in life.  Everything nice has its price.  The end result may take longer than you had anticipated, but stay the course.  Never give up on your ideals and dreams.  There is a harvest if you do not faint in the process.  Let your reward be what others thought to be impossible.  Face reality and choose the life you want!

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