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I am passionate about encouraging people to live with greater purpose, passion & productivity. The Call is to keep Standing Tall in a Falling World. Signature Presentations, Seminar Facilitations & Products available for you to be inspired.

Monday 26 September 2011

Gratitude is an attitude.  Gratitude is a choice.  Gratitude is one of the secrets of contentment!

Contentment is recognizing the sacred in the ordinary.  We recognise the sacred when we take a moment to give thanks for the wonders in our lives we so often take for granted. The cooling breeze on a blistering hot day.  The sticky kiss from your toddler’s lips.  The reassurance and warmth of your husband’s hand at your back.  The plate of food full of variety, colour and nutrients designed to keep us healthy.  Gratitude is in every one of us.  Gratitude is a God-trait but only some people choose to make use of it and enjoy the benefits of a grateful heart. 

Being grateful is easy when life is sunshine and roses.  It is when it is dark and gloomy that having an attitude of gratitude fades.  In times of difficulty, it is important to practice gratitude as much as possible.  Giving thanks and being grateful for each day builds into us a great expectation, as if something wonderful is going to happen.  Everyday becomes alive with possibilities.  We cannot control what is outside of us but we do have full responsibility for what takes place on the inside of us.  Make a quality choice today to rise up in thanksgiving, in praise, with gratitude.  Your life may never be the same again.  This moment is all you have.  Make the most of it. Gratitude is totally within our reach.  Gratitude is a choice.  We are always only one decision away from changing our perspective, because truth be told, the world is not really the way it is, but it is the way we see it.  Just imagine if we started seeing our lives and our circumstances through the eyes of gratitude.  Gratitude can replace bitterness with sweetness.  What has happened has happened and no amount of regretting is going to change that, but gratitude can give you reward in place of regret.

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