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I am passionate about encouraging people to live with greater purpose, passion & productivity. The Call is to keep Standing Tall in a Falling World. Signature Presentations, Seminar Facilitations & Products available for you to be inspired.

Monday 22 August 2011

Relishing the Changing Seasons

It will benefit us to learn to make use of the different seasons in our lives.  Every season has a reason and a purpose.  The changing seasons in our lives affords us the opportunity to take time to reflect.  Changing seasons cannot be ignored.  There are no guarantees in life, but there is always hope.  The hope lies in the seed of potential found in the process of change, if we will yield to it and do not circumvent the process.  Change always brings with it a possibility curve.  The secret is found in focusing on the possibility and not the whirlwind that change often seems to bring with it.

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