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I am passionate about encouraging people to live with greater purpose, passion & productivity. The Call is to keep Standing Tall in a Falling World. Signature Presentations, Seminar Facilitations & Products available for you to be inspired.

Wednesday 24 August 2011

Hear what this delegate to the Seminar had to say...

1 & 2 July 2011

Where to begin, Wow I’m inspired all around. If I can tell and say it so very loud and proudly that I finally get to be up close and personal with Angelique herself to see who is behind all such creative uniqueness.  I won a a ticket to attend this seminatr and it was my best winnings ever.  Indeed my Giant has awakened and is rising. I was blessed to be part of the seminar and I had an upliftment from being in the room with all the ladies who had different stories to tell as well as the two days made me realize that there is LIFE to be lived, after all is said and done,  and that every situation is there to make me grow and conquer even more in spite of  problems and circumstances.
It’s true when they say dynamite comes in a small package. Angelique is that dynamite indeed.  Born to be a leader, because she is using her DNA Gift to its fullest and it’s so real.  I’m alive with possibilities and note this down; the best is yet to come as this is just my beautiful beginning.  The future is in our hands and it’s determined by today's effort and choices.  The Bible says, that God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of a power, and of love, and a sound mind.
Many Thanks - Nonkululeko Ayanda Tshangela

Monday 22 August 2011

Relishing the Changing Seasons

It will benefit us to learn to make use of the different seasons in our lives.  Every season has a reason and a purpose.  The changing seasons in our lives affords us the opportunity to take time to reflect.  Changing seasons cannot be ignored.  There are no guarantees in life, but there is always hope.  The hope lies in the seed of potential found in the process of change, if we will yield to it and do not circumvent the process.  Change always brings with it a possibility curve.  The secret is found in focusing on the possibility and not the whirlwind that change often seems to bring with it.

Thursday 18 August 2011


To stand tall in a falling world, it is imperative to your sense of well being that you learn to live in the present, to extract the most out of the moment.  This moment is all you are 100% assured of.  Doing it right today means no regrets tomorrow.  Finding the time to do something right in this moment, means you don't have to find time in your already compressed schedule, to do it right the second time around.  Doing it with excellence in the moment, enables you to enter the next moment with a greater level of confidence.  Exiting this moment in victory opens the door to enter the next moment in victory.  Add all those victorious moments together, and you will know fulfillment and great joy as you live your strongest life now!

Wednesday 17 August 2011

Standing Tall in a Falling World

My book, Standing Tall in a Falling World, is going into its third print run.  The demand for copies in South Africa and many other countries continues to increase.  As the world economy struggles to find its footing, and relationships are stretched to breaking point, with depression being at an all time high....there is a solution.  Read how you can be victorious in Your Life, Your Business and Your Future.  See www.angeliquedutoit.co.za  Let's connect:  angeldt@iafrica.com.

Making the transition from Client Service to giving your Client a Superior Experience

The world of business is tough and it is getting tougher. As technology advances the need for the human touch increases.  Clients are looking for more than good service.  They are thirsting for a superior experience.  People will forget what you said.  They will forget what you did.  But they will never forget how you made them feel.