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I am passionate about encouraging people to live with greater purpose, passion & productivity. The Call is to keep Standing Tall in a Falling World. Signature Presentations, Seminar Facilitations & Products available for you to be inspired.

Monday 5 March 2012

One of my greatest aspirations is to intercept the lives of hundreds of thousands of people, if not every person, in this nation with the message that internal transformation is the key for external impact...Angelique du Toit

Through the Seminar of Your Life, Your Business, Your Future, people are encouraged to value their uniqueness and to reach their highest potential, and tap into their power that is still in reserve deep down on the inside. 

My own leadership style is founded on relationships:  I believe in leading from the heart – accessing the core of the individual.  A leader who has influence and personal power [as opposed to positional power] can effect substantial change because there is no demand made but rather a powerful invitation to embrace the opportunity to walk through the process of personal transformation.

People feel empowered when they are invited to exercise their freedom of choice.

As leaders, we can have the best intentions, the most profound experiences, the greatest knowledge, Harvard-standard leadership skills and be powerful communicators but, at the end of it all, the challenge is that we are dealing with people who will ultimately make the decision whether or not to apply what has been imparted.  Transformation at a personal level releases potential within individuals that can be translated into increased productivity in the organisations they work for.

Women in particular have much to offer in the form of unique strengths.  Women were never created to compete with men, but to complete them and this works not only in personal relationships but also in business relationships. Women have a variety of gifts, skills, talents, passions and services that can add value to an enterprise."  These include intuitive decision-making, spontaneity, compassion, empathy and a nurturing spirit.

"My goal is to be the voice of hope and purpose, to inspire women from all walks of life to arise and make the most of every opportunity."   Women need not be trapped by their pasts or kept down by societys prejudices but can rather embrace the beauty of their womanhood and become catalysts for gender reconciliation.


It is a delight to daily receive inspiration from people who are making dramatic changes to their lives because they are arising to be everything they were created to be!  Women are confidently striding up to new positions - going where no woman has gone before.  Others are seeing restoration in their marriages as they are working on being the right person instead of trying to change their life partner.  Many are reaching up and out of their circumstances to live their dreams - and with great success!

Don't let another day go by without making a life-changing choice that will bring you closer to your personal purpose, power and passion that is found in living a fulfilled life!

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